Level Up Your GMS: Comparing Nonprofit Cloud to foundationConnect

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In the dynamic world of nonprofit technology, change isn’t just necessary—it’s imperative. As the sun sets on foundationConnect, with subscriptions no longer renewable after January 31, 2025, nonprofits are at a pivotal crossroads. This is your chance to power up your Grant Management System (GMS) by transitioning to Nonprofit Cloud (NPC) for grantmaking.

Ready to unlock new levels of capability and drive greater social impact? Our ultimate guide will show you how to make the most of this epic transition, exploring the enhanced Grantee Portal, innovative Budget UI, and seamless connectivity to Outcomes.

Discover what’s inside:

  • History & Urgency: Get the backstory on foundationConnect and why it’s critical to migrate now.
  • Nonprofit Cloud Overview: Get a sneak peek at powerful features designed to streamline your grants management process.
  • Grantee Portal: Learn how to elevate the user experience with a modern, customizable portal—no cheats needed.
  • Budget UI: Transform your financial management with intuitive tools and real-time tracking—master your resources.
  • Outcome Management: Drive impactful insights with integrated outcome management capabilities—unlock the final boss of efficiency.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to future-proof your operations and stay ahead of the curve. Download our guide now and turn this transition into your organization’s next big win!

Ready to Level Up? Fill Out the Form to Download the Guide Now!