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TechBridge: First Case Management Implementation Partner

Posted in: Blog

Exponent Partners selected TechBridge as the first official implementation partner of Exponent Case Management (ECM) because we believe the right technology can transform an organization’s relationship to their data. We’re enlisting allies to help spread this message to the entire social sector and TechBridge has agreed to join forces.

Headquartered in Atlanta and serving clients throughout the United States, TechBridge’s mission, values, and dedication to the nonprofit sector align with Exponent Partners. Since 2000, TechBridge has demonstrated success matching the needs of nonprofits to technology.

Shared Values and Purpose

“We can’t imagine a better fit in terms of our values and goals to advance the nonprofit sector,” said Rem Hoffmann, Fonder and CEO at Exponent Partners. “Like TechBridge, the goal of Exponent Partners, and in turn, the goal of our Exponent Case Management app, is to help advance a nonprofit’s maturity model so they can scale up programs and amplify their social impact.”

Similar to Exponent Partners, Techbridge helps enable nonprofits leverage tools like the Salesforce platform to advance programs for the people they serve. TechBridge has expertise in nonprofits and all aspects of technology, with a team of dedicated consultants who continuously monitor the latest innovations, insights, and best practices.

Image description: Staff at TechBridge - an official Exponent Case Management implementation partner - working together to build a home and lift a wall. Source:
As part of the Salesforce ecosystem, Exponent Case Management is a platform solution that can extend beyond other program-specific applications that aren’t connected to an organization as a whole. Program management point solutions may track outputs, such as number of clients served, but only the Exponent Case Management app was designed to go further, propelling a nonprofit’s impact and performance measurement. In this context, performance measurement is about providing nonprofit leaders with real-time, actionable data to measure program outcomes in a transparent way. The outcomes data are used to validate an organization’s theory of change and gauge mission attainment.

“As an official Exponent Case Management implementation partner, TechBridge recognizes the power of the Salesforce platform for nonprofit program management and outcomes measurement,” said Karen Cramer, Director of Performance Measurement, at TechBridge. “We are thrilled to be the first official implementation partner because Exponent Partners has spent over a decade developing the most robust application for case managers, program directors, and agency leaders.”

Next Generation Case Management

Exponent Case Management is built for the needs of today’s human services agencies. You need to prove results to your funders, access data that tells you how to improve your programs, and reduce manual work for your staff. Our product provides automated workflow and alerts, access on mobile devices, drag and drop reporting, and outcomes measurement. Want to see ECM in action? Register for our next webinar and live demo.

For questions about the app or the Partner Program, contact us today!